Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Top 5 Things I Dread Now That I'm Pregnant

5. Indian Food Cultural Day in the Cafeteria.

4. Chiefs games. They are terrible and Brian and I are first-time season ticket holders. How am I suppose to get through the games without alcohol? Especially in December when nearly every weekend is a Chiefs home game! Cold and bad football. Yuck.

3. Random people coming up to me and touching my stomach. That hasn't happened as I am not showing, but I do fear the day. I have heard people do this so I think I might need to invest in a taser. I will shock a b****.

2. Lunch time at work. An incredibly large number of people eat soup year-round. If it was classics like tomato, chicken noodle, chicken tortilla, those would be fine. But these people have extra stinky soup! Minestrone. Beans and rice. Chili. I've suddenly got the nose of a bloodhound and the stomach of the girl from the Exorcist.

1. Picking out a name. I've been in a terrible mood all week and I came home yesterday and Brian was all excited about a name he came up with for if its a boy. He told me the name and I shot it down like I was holding a 20 gauge. Just blasted it. I like more traditional names and he likes more contemporary names. I like Michael. He likes Kyler. Good thing we have a while to get this figured out.


  1. Hey now! What about Kyler Michael? It's a good mix of traditional and contemporary!

  2. Ehhh - I'm not opposed to Michael as a middle name, but I know too many assholes named Michael or Mike. Plus Michael is such a common name...I like some originality. Kyler and the other contemporary names provides some uniqueness to them, without being too extreme. Plus Kyler isn't overused like many other trendy names of the day.

  3. It sounds like we can't decide between Kyle and Tyler and just pushed them together. Either of those two names I actually kind of like and would be open to consideration. But not a combo.

    We could do that with any combo of names. William and Abner could be Wilner. Or Bryler for Brian and Tyler.

    :) Love you, sweetie.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Fair enough. However, when I ran across that name yesterday, it wasn't spelled Kyler, but Keilor. Very unique, but without having the "well they couldn't decide between Kyle and Tyler" dilemma. But figured Kyler would be easier to spell and pronounce. ;-)

    We have another 8 months to figure this out though.

    Love you too, honey!
