Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Early Purchases

Today, I went to Barnes & Noble to pick up some reading material for someone in my position, the dad-to-be. Seems that no author has really thought about writing a book geared towards us. Seems there are thousands, if not millions, of books written for moms-to-be, which is completely understandable. What is out there for the dads, from what I've seen are pregnancy books that are often written in a crude manner that ranks up there with fart jokes. While I do appreciate a good fart joke, I was looking for something a bit more substantial and informative, and written by a father-to-be perspective. Online recommendations and the little old lady that reminded me of a grade school librarian suggested "The Expectant Father" by Armin A. Brott & Jennifer Ash. Thumbing through the pages, it looks pretty cool and very informative! Does anyone have any other suggestions for a guys point-of-view?

On the shelf, sitting next to this book was a tiny 32 page Dr. Suess book. I picked it up and skimmed through the pages and thought it was kinda I bought McNugget their first book! It's called "Oh, Baby, the Places You'll Go". So once the little one gets their ears and hearing (at around 2-4 months), I'll start reading them this book through Linda's belly!

I'm still working on her to let me take pictures of her belly though...

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