Friday, August 21, 2009

McNugget's first home movie!

Amazing! Here's our first ultrasound...with some pizzazz! See below:


  1. Wow! When I was pregnant with Mariah I couldn't even hear her heart until 12 weeks and didn't have an ultrasound until 3 months before she was born. No ultrasound with Joel, one with Jordan at 13 weeks to check gestation. Boys were born at home. Yes, I planned it that way.
    Amazing and beautiful! Baby Lea will have wonderful, loving parents!

  2. It really was amazing to see their little heart pumping away. I asked if we could hear the heartbeat, but the tech said they didn't like to do the Doppler this early. We'll get to hear it though in the next few visits I'm sure though! Was a beautiful thing though to see their little body and see that everything was going as well as it was! I've watched thus video about a hundred times since yesterday... I could watch it all day!

  3. I found you guys from your BabyCenter posts - you two are HILARIOUS!! My husband and I are due with our first on April 5th and can't be happier. Just so you know, I SOBBED through the video of telling your parents/in-laws and then all the way through this one!! I didn't even cry at my OWN first ultrasound - I think it was the music that put me over the edge! CONGRATULATIONS!! And if you don't mind, I'll be following you folks - can't wait to see how this all turns out.
