Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pregnancy Brain Strikes Again

You know how I really don't like random people? Especially people who come up and start talking to me about absolutely nothing. Well, if you have his same anti-social affliction, it gets worse during pregnancy. Everything and everyone annoys you.

It has been documented in this blog that my brain no longer functions properly and short-term memory is all but gone. So, when I am doing something, I CANNOT BE INTERRUPTED!

This is true for the most mundane of tasks. Like, filling up the gas tank on my car.

After work, I stopped for gas and was happy to just fill up and go home. I was feeling particularly awful yesterday and even left work about an hour and a half early. Well, no sooner had I got out the car, I had some guy all up in my business wanting to know what I thought of my vehicle. It's an average car. Nothing fancy. I told him it gets me where I need to go and that's all I need.

He proceeds to go ON AND ON about how he drove one in California that was his rental car and blah blah blah. I say, "blah, blah, blah," because I tuned out and started wondering how he chewed his food. He appeared to have his front teeth, but no molars. This would make it difficult to have a salad, or really anything other than mashed potatoes... I digress

He continued on and on until the gas pump clicked indicating I had a full tank. I promptly put it back on the hook, got in my car and drove off. I don't think I even acknowledge he was still talking. I just turned and left. This actually wasn't intentional now that I think about it. That's just how I am when I am not feeling well.

I turned onto the interstate and started noticing a banging noise. It didn't sound like it was coming from inside the car... Then I saw it in my rear view mirror.

My gas tank cover and cap where bouncing in the wind. I have NEVER in all my years of driving EVER forgot to put the cap back on the gas tank. I was THAT person. The one we all make fun of for leaving the gas cap off the car.

I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. When my older sister was pregnant with my niece, she was so spacey she would forget to look where she was going when backing out of parking spots. She hit three different cars! I may not have a fancy car, but I don't want the rear end destroyed prior to McNugget's arrival!

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