Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Now where did I put my...

I am a complete and total space cadet today! I can't concentrate on anything. I got money out of my purse, I remember now because I found it in my pocket, to get a snack and then I ended up visiting with a co-worker who asked about something completely random.

20 minutes later...
I went and got a granola bar from downstairs and then swung by another co-worker's desk to ask about something work related, but when I got there I forgot my question (Still don't know what it was, I just know I had a purpose).

She just called to ask if I left my granola bar at her desk... 30 minutes ago. Now, it's an hour away from lunch, I suddenly remember I am hungry again, and can't decide if I should eat my granola bar or save it for later. What if I forget I have it?

What the hell is wrong with me? Is it safe to take Ginko Bilobo or whatever the hell it is called when you are pregnant?


  1. Skip the Ginko, its called 'Pregnancy Brain' and it will only get worse from here. Take it from someone who has been there before. . .
    Best of luck!

  2. Great. I'm going to have to carry post-it notes with me where ever I go so I can remind my self what I am suppose to be doing.

  3. heehee...IF you can remember to write it down, which you won't - so don't even bother!

  4. Yes you have pregnancy brain! The other day I was getting ready to leave and I couldn't find my purse anywhere. After at least 5 minutes of looking, Sean finally asked what I was doing, I said "looking for my purse". He said, "it's on your shoulder"...
