Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We are full term now!

We've got a new addition to our ever-expanding family! Last night, Linda's sister, Bridgett, gave birth to Evan's cousin, Logan! Bridgett beat us to the delivery room...but she did have an earlier due date (only by a few days though). Logan weighed 7 lbs. 3 ozs. and was 20¾ inches long! So we have a new nephew! I'm hoping Logan and Evan will be like brothers since they are so close in age...

With Logan's birth, that just means we are next! And Linda is soooo over this. She wants Evan in this world now! She's claims that she's gotten this burst of energy that pregnant women say they get right before labor begins. We'll see... I think it's just wishful thinking on her part. Evan will come when he's ready... She thinks he's gonna take after me...approach everything cautiously. Whereas, she usually dives head first into everything...I take an analytical approach to most things...

Last Friday we had a doctors appointment and our last ultrasound. I'm gonna try and post below. It was great to see Evan again... We hadn't seen him since his last ultrasound when we found out he was a boy...back on November 20th! Hard to believe it's been that long... But our doctor wanted to check to make sure he was in the head-down position...which he any day now is fine with them. We now start going to our OB every week now until delivery happens.

We have finally gotten most of Evan's room put together and the decorations up... As I mentioned before, the theme was gonna be "Frogs, Snails, Puppy Dog Tails", using Truman as our muse...but as you might see it favors Truman mostly...with a few frog items here and there...but we have no snails! It's hard to find snail stuff! See pictures below...

We are now full term! For those who don't know much about pregnancy...on average, birth happens around the 40th week of pregnancy, however anything from 37 to 42 weeks is considered full term, meaning the baby is finished developing enough to survive outside the womb without medical assistance. Babies born prior to the 37th week mark are considered preemies, and sometimes require some medical supervision... So now that we've hit this mark, I'm less anxious if Linda were to go into labor now. At 37 weeks, Evan's lungs should be fully matured and ready to adjust to life outside the womb. He should weigh about 6 lbs., and measure a bit over 19 inches from head to heal...about the same length as a stalk of Swiss chard. He should be packing on ounce every day now... Evan may have a full head of hair, with locks ½ inch to 1½ inches long! I wonder what color his hair might be? I was blonde when I was a baby...Linda had red hair... Wonder if Evan will have strawberry blonde? He is also getting his first poop ready for that first dirty diaper... He's also brushing up on his skills for the outside world; blinking, sucking, inhaling, exhaling (which we saw on the ultrasound), and gripping... I can't wait tell he grips ahold of my finger...I love it when babies do that... And I can't wait to give him his first zerbert too!

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