Tuesday, March 9, 2010

There's an app for that

I think Brian is getting more nervous and anxious with each passing second. While I'm ready for this child to be born RIGHT NOW, Brian wants him to "stay cooking" for as long as possible.

He's doing everything possible to prepare for go time. In his research, he also managed to find an application in the iPhone Apps Store called "contraction master." It records the frequency and duration of all your contractions so you can figure out when it is time to call the hospital. We've used it a couple of times when my Braxton Hicks contractions seem a little bit more intense than what would be considered Braxton Hicks. It gives us something to focus on when your lying in bed anxiously waiting to see if another one happens. It also helps us stay calm and not rush out the door to the hospital with every little twitch of the belly muscles.

I just think it is funny. There really is an app for just about everything you could ever want or need available on the iPhone.

In other preparation news...

We've read a few "what to pack in your hospital bag" lists. They all said button up nightgowns. I don't own a single night gown. I spent about half a million dollars on t-shirts in college and darn it, they are being put to good use. But, they are not button ups. So we went to Target yesterday to see if we could find a stroller and to get a button up night gown.

OH MY GOODNESS the selection was HORRENDOUS. Everything looked like something I would wear in a nursing home when I'm 90. I was not going to spend $30 on pajamas that are that hideous. Then again, wearing those would almost certainly ensure Evan remains an only child for the foreseeable future... :)

Anyway, we went to Kohl's and found some pajamas that aren't too hideous. More shopping to do later this weekend.

Aside from comfy PJs, any recommendations on what to pack or exclude from the hospital bag?

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