Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Next month...

...I will officially be a father. Next month, I will have a son. Next month, I will be forever tied to this new person starting their journey in life... Or, if he's ready to start that adventure earlier...all this might happen later this month. It's kinda scary. I've got this mix of emotion still going through me. All of it good, but there's a little nervousness swirled into that mixture somewhere. Linda and I were talking last night...and I'm glad I'm not alone on this...but she asked how do you hold on to newborn babies? How do you bathe them? They are so delicate. So fragile. Linda went to her sister, Bridgett's baby shower last Saturday in Columbia. Bridgett is due just a few days before Linda with Evan's soon-to-be cousin Logan. Linda said that Bridgett had a friend there that just had a baby...just a week or a few weeks ago I think she said...with this crazy blonde hair that looked like a mad scientist. Linda said the mom asked her if she wanted to hold him...but Linda was afraid she'd drop him. So those are the kinds of anxieties that we both are nervous about. We both have been around babies...but not since our niece and nephew, who are both 3 years old...I think we're just nervous about having and caring for one of our own now.

Anyhow, this Saturday is our baby shower. It's gonna be a couples shower, since I've been involved and very hands on with this whole pregnancy thing. What can I say... It's not gonna be the typical guess-the-melted-candy-bar-in-the-diaper game crap. Both Linda & I hate that sort of thing. It's just gonna be a family and friends get together to celebrate Evan's impending arrival. One of my best friends, Chad, who was also a groomsmen in my wedding is flying in from Denver. I'd like to say just for this, but his sister is also pregnant and her due date is the same as our shower. He said he's planning on attending the shower though, pending his sister's status. So...that's the kind of shower we're throwing. Plus we are gonna have the KU vs. MU game on since that's a pretty big game and many of those attending the shower will want to watch it and are each rooting for one team or the other. This shower is just atypical, but it'll be fun! I just hate the stigma that fathers or fathers-to-be don't care or are portrayed as the bumbling idiots. I know I can be an idiot, but that's besides the point. I've touched on this before...but I really hate that portrayal. It really annoys me. Why are fathers-to-be depicted this way? For instance, there are a gazillion books written about pregnancy geared towards women. The websites I visit frequently are geared towards women. However, the books written for me, a father-to-be (with the exception of a few; such as The Expectant Father) are things like My Boys Can Swim!. That may be a good book, I haven't read it...but to me it just has this precondition that guys are just the sperm donors and are retards. Granted, there is a certain caveman like feeling to know that you are fertile and your spermies can swim...and when Linda found out she was pregnant and was still going through her freak out stage in the first trimester...I was, as Linda had stated, "a little too geeked out that your spermies can swim!" Finding a pregnancy website for guys is near impossible. The ones I've seen are very simple and basic...kinda bland and not a lot of information, at least to the extent the other pregnancy websites I visit frequently and where I get most of my information. I know I can't be the only father-to-be that feels this way? Am I?

You remember the project I was working on with refinishing the dresser for Evan's room? Yeah, well, we scratched that idea. Since we are confined to limited workspace...our front porch, since we have a condo...and Kansas City has had an unforgiving winter this year...we broke down and just bought a new dresser that will double as a changing table. Linda bought this a few days ago. Her dad dropped it by yesterday morning. It looks great! We still have lots of finishing touches to complete...still need the bedding and some wall decorations, but you can get the gist of it. I had ordered a great wall decal to go along with Evan's room theme of "Frogs, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails"...that was gonna be over the glider... It's the first line of that nursery rhyme, however the original version of, "Snips and Snails and Puppy-Dog Tails; That's what Little Boys are Made of." I measured it out, got the adhesive transfer tape ready and started peeling...and the damn thing folded over on itself and I ruined it. Shit. I was gonna order another off E-Bay, but I couldn't find the original seller I bought it from a few months ago... So we'll have to think of another decoration to go there. I thought about getting letters that spell out his name...but the ones I've found online...the custom ordered ones are in upwards of $27.00 per letter, at least the ones I really liked that went with his nursery theme. That's over $100 just for that! So we'll see what we can come up with. Anyhow, pics below of the room so far:

Linda's dad & I, combined, are a cyclone of destruction.
The dresser in place...
The other side of the nursery.

At our last OB appointment, our doctor said she couldn't believe we were this far along. The appointment was pretty standard with nothing new to report. She said that Linda's belly was measuring 33 cm. Evan's right on target, just a bit on the smaller side...according to the size of her belly. (I think it's measured from the top of the uterus to the bottom of her pubic bone. From how I understand it...each centimeter should be equal to the week of pregnancy...give or take a few. Last Friday we were in the 34th week...and Linda measured 33 cm.) His heart rate was a strong 135 beats per minute.

We are now in the 35th week. Wow, only 5 more weeks, technically. Both Linda & I have a gut feeling that he'll come early though. But this week in the womb, Evan doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5¼ lbs., or about the size of a honeydew melon. Since it's so snug now in the womb, he most likely isn't doing somersaults anymore (but I'm sure Linda can attest to the contrary), but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. Evan's kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical developments are now complete - he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight, putting on a pound or more in baby fat before birth. However, he probably won't grow too much more in length. Two more weeks and he's considered full-term!


  1. Linda & I are due the same day so it's been fun reading a blog that I can totally relate too. I cant believe theres only 5 more weeks left!

    FYI- You could do the letters yourself, if you're into that type of thing. Craft stores have the letters for about 2 bucks a piece. You could paint them OR get some scrapbooking paper and cover the letters with them. Much much cheaper!

  2. Thanks for the comment and suggestion! Good luck!
