Monday, March 22, 2010

Final Countdown - 13 days

Two weeks left. It's funny how you hear about statistics and then you hear all the stories about your friends and family.

For example, our doctor said that water breaking before arrival at the hospital only happens about 10 percent of the time, but about 90 percent of the people I know had their water break before they went to the hospital.

Everyone says that the first one is usually late and might have to be coerced out of the womb by a wonder drug called pitocin. Again, about 90 percent of the people I know had their first one come 2-4 weeks early.

So, will I fall in line with the national statistics, or will I fall in line with my friends and family? I had a spinal tap a few years ago. They said 10 percent of people who have spinal taps will have to have a secondary procedure done to ensure the puncture heals properly. AND, about 10 percent of that 10 percent would have to have the secondary procedure repeated. That was me. One of the 10 percent of the 10 percent.

I've started feeling contractions, but they are irregular and never last long. The first ones came during KU's disappointing loss to UNI on Saturday. I'm sure some of you are shocked I didn't work myself into labor just watching that game. I've had a few today, too.

Maybe Evan will be making his debut soon. Maybe it will take all 13 days and then some. I doubt we will be able to schedule induction on the actual due date of Easter Sunday. Our doctor said April 5 was out as well because that was the national championship game. But, since KU lost, maybe she'd be willing to schedule it then... I'll have to ask on Friday when we go back. I would rather Evan just come on his own, preferrably sooner rather than later.

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