Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Little More

With each week that passes, I find myself getting a little more excited, a little more ecstatic, a little more antsy and a little more scared shitless! It's funny when you look back at your life...say a year ago. This time last year, I would have never had thought that I'd be expecting our first born...and a son at that! It really is a blessing. Now that Evan will be making his debut in the world in a few weeks, it makes me think that he has changed me already for the better. I've quit my horrible pack-a-day smoking habit. I now remember to take my vitamins everyday. I now try to watch what I eat a bit better, although I still have room for improvement. I'm working on cleaning up my language... I used to be able to make a sailor blush with the things that came outta my mouth. I'm working on not being such a procrastinator... I now take notice of babies, toddlers and children more often...and it's not just because they are annoying the crap outta me. It's so very true those Johnson & Johnson TV commercials that claim "having a baby changes everything". And I couldn't be happier and thankful for all these changes!

Last Friday, Linda had another follow-up appointment with our OB, and we have to go every two weeks now. I say we only because I like to go to these appointments too, no matter how mundane they may seem. One of my friends commented once that even though fathers don't physically carry a child in the womb, they are every bit a part of pregnancy...or at least I am. It's funny though, each time I update my facebook status regarding the pregnancy...I usually get a handful of friends that comment that they think its neat that I'm so involved in it. I didn't know that was such a rare quality.

After the appointment, we decided to burn up a gift certificate I had gotten for my birthday to PF Changs. Linda was craving scallops and I can always go for Chinese. We then decided to have dessert across the street at The Cheesecake Factory. While we were sitting there at both places, I couldn't help but notice all the babies and toddlers at nearby tables and booths. I commented to Linda that before pregnancy, the only time we noticed babies and children in public settings was when they were being hellions and wishing the parents would shut their kids up.

Speaking of hellions, Linda & I got on that topic the other night, and I think we'll have our work cut out for us. Last night Linda joked that the way we are imagining Evan makes him out to be Stewie from Family Guy. I love Stewie, but I hope Evan is no comparison...for the better. I'm not one to really follow or rely on astrology and horoscopes, but I mentioned it lightly in a past post. But they are fun to read and imagine what might be. Evan will more than likely be an Aries, which is what Linda is as well. Linda has made mention that as a child she was the "schemer" or the "puppet master" to her siblings, meaning she would plot them against each other. I, on the other hand, was not...and was more of a gentle natured child. I've kidded with Linda...telling her that had her and I known each other since childhood...there was no way we would have ever gotten married. Our personalities as children just wouldn't have allowed it...we would have hated each other. Linda hopes that Evan will take after more of how I was as a child...however I read this on a pregnancy website...and it makes me worry a bit. Linda read this and could relate almost 100%:

A Natural-Born Leader

If your Aries son was born ahead of schedule, it should come as no surprise: Aries children are always pushing ahead of the pack. With an "Are we there yet?" outlook, they are impatient to arrive and get started already!

Aries children possess a passionate, creative, and restless nature. They seem to have more energy than other children, with a vitality that's matched only by their natural bravery. Their "me first" attitude can be a challenge for anyone who has to contend with their high spirits and frequent self-absorption.

Legendary for their straightforward honesty, Aries children tell it like they see it. They can overstep boundaries because they're naturally impulsive and tend not to look before they leap.

As the parent of a young Aries, you're probably no stranger to epic temper tantrums. Yes, Aries children have a hard time keeping their emotions under control, but there's a positive side to this: They don't hold a grudge. Once the fireworks are over, so is their anger.

Since Aries children are great at starting grand projects but not as keen on sticking with them, you'll need to be patient as you guide your child gently but firmly, helping him stay on track.

Also make sure he gets plenty of exercise. Any vigorous activity will be an excellent outlet for his energy, and if it's a competitive sport, so much the better. But be sure he wears a helmet or any other essential safety gear. In their eternal hurry, Aries children tend to be accident-prone.
I love the descriptive words such as "epic temper tantrums" and "fireworks". Granted any child can be a hellion; I had my moments as a kid, we all did. Also, if this holds any truth, we'll be on a first name basis with ER staff..advising us to be sure Evan will have safety equipment and helmets. Neither Linda or myself are very if genetics have anything to do with him being accident-prone...the kid will be cursed if it's in "the stars" and his genetics. Poor guy.

We are in the middle of the 31st week of pregnancy. Therefore, Evan would be over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds, which would be like carrying four navel oranges. He now will be hitting a growth spurt. He should now be going through major brain and nerve development as well. His irises now react to light, and all five senses are in working order. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He is moving a lot too, and we can now see his acrobatics through Linda's belly!

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