Monday, February 22, 2010

Taking it day-to-day

Brian was reminding me the other day that I haven't posted anything recently. Well, I got pretty busy with a massive work project. Then I was sick. Not sure if the work project contributed to that or not. I wasn't sick with the flu. I was sick with baby Evan decided to make a pillow/punching bag out of my stomach and I couldn't eat or keep food down for a few days.

The worst part was getting sick at work. I'm REALLY sensitive to strong odors again. Like I was during the first trimester. Barbecue day in the cafeteria was Thursday. I can't take being around barbecue and I was surrounded by it at lunch on Thursday. Then a co-worker came in from smoking a cigarette and it smelled like she still had the butt burning in her pocket. Of course, she sat down right next to me. It sent me over the edge. Instead of heading to the elevator to go back up to my desk, I headed to the women's room. Then, I headed home.

I've been having REALLY bad heartburn at night, but I think I've (finally) figured out how to manage it. I had given up on TUMS because I had taken so many during the course of my pregnancy that they now make me sick. However, we found a different type of TUMS at the store over the weekend called Smoothies. I can keep these down. They aren't nearly as chalky as the original TUMS. So, I can take a couple before going to bed and if I still wake up at midnight with some heart burn, I take a few more and go back to sleep. This, combined with not eating anything after 7 pm, seems to work well for me. It sure beats trying to sleep sitting up!

I keep waiting for the indicator at the top of the page to move over to the last baby. When does that happen? When there's 30 days left? Perhaps. I wonder what the smart ass baby will have to say then? It's been mostly dead-on with the comments. Today's comment has a lot of truth to it, except I gave up dancing a long, long time ago.

Driving is becoming very uncomfortable. I leaned my seat back quite a bit about a week ago. Over the weekend, when we were driving to the store, Brian asked why I had my seat so far back. He said he felt "like a gangsta" driving it. I have to have it far back. If I am sitting up straight to drive, then Evan goes into my ribs. I'm pretty sure he is sideways right now because it feels like he is trying to push out my ribs on both sides at the same time. If I lean back, I have more room to breathe. I just can't reach the radio, thermostat or other non-essential elements.

I'm very much looking forward to sandal weather. Putting on socks is the most dreaded activity of the day. But with yesterday's snow and ice storm, I'm losing hope that sandal weather will be here soon. Maybe it'll be warm by Easter (Evan's due date).

Other than all of the above, we're just taking it day-to-day. I'm trying to get things in place at work so people know how to do my job while I'm gone. I'm trying to get projects there and at home completed in a reasonable time frame. I'm trying not to stress out too much about stuff, though Brian could probably tell you that I'm having only mixed results with that.

40 more days... Seems like a lifetime right now.

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