Saturday, February 6, 2010

Like the bubble in a level

Every night I must go through the paces of getting into bed and getting comfortable. Brian usually comes back for a while and we talk about our day and random stuff, like what we think Evan will be like personality-wise, until I'm ready to fall asleep. To talk with Brian, I have to lay on my left side. When I sleep, I have to lay on my right side. Turning from right to left and left back over to right is not easy. Sometimes it kind of hurts, too!

See Nugget seems to be like the bubble in a level when I'm laying down. If I lay on my left side, he pops up to the right side. Roll over to the left side, he does the same thing. Imagine 3-4 pounds just rolling around inside you. Bumping into organs that aren't use to having something bumping, into them. The skin and muscle holding all this together also seems to hit its ultimate capacity during these nightly turns. When I get up each morning, I sit for about 30 seconds before trying to stand. Then, I can't stand up perfectly straight. I have to ease into that. I usually sound like Monica Seles trying to get from one side to the other and from a laying position to a sitting up position.

Also, I've been reading about babies and their finger/toenails. The little baby meter at the top of this page reads "I bet Momma feels like I am trying to claw out of her." Sometimes it does. Take your thumbnail and press and hold it into your forehead. You feel that burning sensation? I get that fairly frequently in my side, under my belly button and at various places all over my abdomen at random points in time.

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