Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Revenge of the Morning Sickness

Linda hasn't had the nausea that plagued her during her first trimester for a few weeks now. As she mentioned, she switched her prenatal vitamins from Women's One-A-Day (which in fact were two vitamins for the prenatal formula) to Flintstones Complete. This seemed to have taken care of her morning sickness. She still takes the same Nature Made Folic Acid, which had no effect on her feeling sick. This seemed to do the trick. However, on Sunday, Linda thought chicken tacos from Chipotle would hit the spot. I worked Sunday night and received the following texts from her:

"Ugh...went to Chipotle. Thought chicken tacos would be good. Halfway through last taco, had to run to the bathrooom. PROJECTILE vomit. No chicken for me."
"Yuck! I'm sorry honey!! Guess Nugg doesn't like chicken tacos! Hope you start feeling better!! Love you!"
"I feel fine now. I didn't feel bad before. It was just a sudden, "oh crap I'm gonna barf!" I'm just glad I made it to the bathroom."
So, Nugg made their message very clear, no chicken tacos anymore! Linda still didn't feel up to speed the rest of that night and yesterday. She told me that she barely made it to the toilet, and that she literally had to run to the bathroom. I feel so bad for her. I'm hoping it's not a reaction to the flu shot we got on Thursday. Linda is positive it was just Nugg's way of telling her not to eat that again...

Linda's poll she posted to the blog has gotten some good guesses, but as of right now, we are even-steven. Those that thought Nugg is a boy was in the lead, but yesterday, the girl guesses caught up and we are exactly 50/50 now. So...if you haven't voted on what you think we're having...please do so at the top right of the window! We're both anxious for November 20th to get here. Only 2 ½ weeks left!

This week, Nugg is about 5 ½ inches long, about the size of a bell pepper, and weighs almost 7 ounces. Nugg continues to flex their arms and legs, blood vessels are visible now through their thin skin, and the ears are now finally in their final position. In the brain, areas that specialize in the senses; taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing are maturing. The bones in the ears have hardened now, and Nugg should be able to hear sounds from life outside the womb...so that means they will be able to hear our voices! Guess it's time to start reading and talking to Nugg! In fact, if a loud noise happens, Nugg would be startled! Nugg is passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. In Nugg's digestive system, meconium is collecting, which will be passed in Nugg's first dirty diaper. A protective covering of myelin is now forming around nerve endings, a process that will continue through Nugg's first year of life. The heart begins to build up muscle cells and is pumping between 25 to 30 quarts of blood per day. If Nugg is a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If Nugg is a boy, his penis and testes are now noticeable and the prostate gland will begin to form this week.

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