Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Snack Time

During the first trimester, sweets were not for me. Eating in general was a painful process because of the "morning" sickness. Now, I don't have that problem. I'm hungry pretty much all the time.

As I write this, my stomach is growling and I am polishing off what was - 20 seconds ago - a Hershey's bar with almonds. Now I am reaching for my banana and wondering what is for dinner.

I don't want a lot of sweets. Just a little candy bar here or there, or a piece of cake, or a fudge round, or a Kit Kat (I searched every single vending machine in my building- 15 total - and no Kit Kats!), or a bite of Ben & Jerry's Magic Brownie ice cream (a pint will last me at least 2-4 days), and I'm good.

However, if I don't get my sweet fix, watch out. I could cut someone.

1 comment:

  1. ya know what I've really liked recently? Cookie dough Balance bars. They're protein, so you don't feel SO bad and they actually fill you up for a while and they taste AWESOME. I usually hate protein bars!
