Monday, November 9, 2009

In my dreams

Weird and/or awful things happen! Last night, I had a dream that Brian and I were walking down a street and we came across a daycare facility. We decided to check it out. We just walked in and started asking questions. Then my dream switched over to the basement of this daycare facility where an older woman was just sitting on a stool when these four big thugs came in. They looked like someone cast to play a Russian Mafia boss in the movies. They stole a paperbox full of cocaine. Why was there cocaine in the basement of a child daycare? I don't know. But the lady started screaming and carrying on that they were stealing her coke. Then my dream flashed back to Brian and I and we just looked at each other and said, "maybe we should look at other places."

End of dream.

The night after an appointment where our doctor told us about Edwards Syndrome and Down Syndrome and how to test for those, I had a dream that my baby was born with an elbow sticking out of its head - which, for some reason, never showed up on an earlier ultrasound. I didn't know what Edwards Syndrome was before that doctor's appointment. Our doctor just said it's basically a chromosonal disorder that results in the baby being put together all wrong - hence the dream about the elbow coming out of its head - and the baby usually doesn't survive too long after birth.

I've had dreams that the crazy lady behind us - the one that once ran through the parking lot screaming with nothing on but high heels and a bath robe - tries to steal my baby. In some she is successful, in others I totally kick her butt or am able to grab a 12-gauge that I do not yet own and fend her off.

In none of my dreams do I recall a specific gender being assigned to McNugget. I guess we'll find out for sure soon enough.

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