Friday, October 23, 2009

Things to do...

As we gear up for the upcoming months, there's tons of stuff we need to get accomplished. One of those things is to register for items for the baby shower. Linda & I had the idea that this won't be the typical frilly baby shower with dumb games like "guess what is the melted candy bar in the diaper". Instead we are gonna have a fun party with friends, maybe at a bowling alley? That way it's more fun for couples and guys to come. People will bring gifts, but we won't open them right away and just have fun and hang out with each other instead. Linda had a night with girlfriends last night and came home to tell me that her & her girlfriends had tentatively set a date for February 20, 2010, for this baby shower. We will probably also have another one, a more typical baby shower with family on another date. Anyhow, I digress.

When we got married 4 years ago, Linda & I spent about 5 hours at Macy's trying to register for our wedding presents. This was fun for about the first hour-and-a-half, when we were getting used to using the registry scanner gun... At one point about 3 hours in, the Macy's clerks noticed we were still there and commented that we had been there for almost as long as they had been on their shift! Some of Linda's girlfriends are not married and don't have kids and have never used a registry gun. They want to go with us for this adventure so they can use the gun. They all have inundated my email inbox with plans. They are geeked out at the thought of using the scanner gun. They've joked that they will divide up in teams, with team colors and matching headbands. At least I really hope they are joking. After reading through all these humorous emails, I don't know what I'm in store for...three of Linda's girlfriends, with a more noticeable pregnant Linda who has stated she will be more susceptible to hunger and fatigue... Pre-pregnancy, if Linda was hungry, she had a hard time keeping in a good mood, multiply that ten fold, and it's a volatile mix.

Earlier this week, I mentioned to Linda about who's gonna be present in the delivery room. At first, Linda was considerably shy about having anyone in the delivery room...even me. She agreed that I alone would be the only one in there with her. Over the past few weeks she has come around to agree to let her mom in as well. I started thinking about my dad then too. It's not that I think everyone should be in there for the event... However, when my sister, Becky, had my niece...she only had Jeff, my mom and his mom in there with her. Since my mom has since passed away, I thought this would be a neat opportunity for dad to witness. I ran that idea by Linda, and she was okay with it, as long as they didn't have their heads in her crotch! Dad & I talked earlier this week and I mentioned it to him. Although, dad is also shy by nature and said he didn't know if he could handle that intensity of that moment, both emotionally and physically and gets somewhat queasy with the sights and sounds of what he might encounter in a delivery room, which is completely understandable. I told him he had an open invite though if he changes his mind.

This weeks update though, and I'm a little late since we are more closer to the 17th week now. But this past week's Nugg developments - Nugg would be about the size of an avocado, 4 ½ inches long and 3 ½ ounces. The legs are more developed and the head sits more erect upon the neck. The eyes have moved closer to the front of the head and the ears have moved to their final position, too. Nugg would be able to sense light now in the womb, in fact, Nugg would react to visual stimulation by shielding the eyes if a bright light were to appear. The tiny bones in the ears have also formed, so it is possible that Nugg may hear what Linda says - and will soon be able to pick up and recognize my voice! Nugg's bones continue to solidify, and now there's enough calcium in the bones that an X-ray would pick up their skeletal frame! The patterning of the scalp, along with sprouting eyebrows and eyelashes, has also continued. Toenails have also started to grow! Nugg's heart is now pumping 25 quarts of blood each day, and that amount will continue to increase during further development. Fascinating stuff!

Later today, we have another doctor's appointment... I'm hoping that we'll have another ultrasound, but I don't think we will. If that happens, we might see if Nugg is a boy or girl! If we have an ultrasound and/or news to share...I'll update later!

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