Friday, October 23, 2009

Linda vs. Maternity Clothes

I have come to the realization that maternity clothes are absolutely ridiculous. Just because I am pregnant does not mean I want to go around wearing girly-girl, short-sleeved (or sleeveless) tops that ACCENTUATE how big my stomach and boobs have become (AND WILL BECOME). Seriously, why is EVERYTHING so stinking low cut?

It's like designers of maternity clothes think that we quit our jobs in the corporate world as soon as we get a positive pregnancy test!

And for the clothes that are work appropriate, who here is willing to spend $50 on a shirt that will look ridiculous on you in a matter of months? That's just not practical.

I'm not complaining about the pants. The pants, they have managed to do a good job with. We need to work on the shirts. Better yet, get me some shirts that are reasonably priced and can be really classified as "Work Shirts."

I'm checking out a store this weekend that was recommended by a couple of friends. We'll see if I can win this battle of the maternity clothes, or if the bank account ends up taking a beating because I succumb to frustration, hunger and tiredness - as well as the need to have something moderately professional looking. Thank you God for sweaters and the fact that I am pregnant during the fall and winter.

1 comment:

  1. No improvement since the 80s when I had my kids. Back then it was Peter Pan collars and little girl styles. Trying to make a pregnant WOMAN look virginal and innocent is ridiculous. Now they want to play up the cleavage and show off the belly, When most pregnant women just want to dress normal. Try men's shirts in feminine colors, and sweaters are always good, just buy large. I know it isn't much, but it is the best I can think of. That's what I did.
