Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Apple

Just like Linda, I've been slacking from updating the blog. No reason, really. Just been lazy. Been sinking into the "honeymoon phase" known as the 2nd trimester. Now that the worry of the 1st trimester is over, the worry (and risk) of miscarriage has subsided. Linda's been feeling lots better lately, so I kinda feel like we, or maybe, I am in the in between stage...

We both get email updates weekly from different pregnancy websites telling us what normally happens during that particular week in pregnancy. The one I depend on most, and that I've found is most informative is from BabyCenter. I also get email updates from TheBump. Anyhow, when Linda read this weeks email, she proclaimed, "I've got something the size of an apple in me?!" An apple? It does seem pretty big when have an apple in your hands. But I suppose so.

Linda felt Nugg move for the first time on Tuesday! According to those pregnancy websites it does state that it is possible to feel the baby move, called quickening, for the first time in this phase. Linda wrote a blog about it as well. It is amazing to think of this little creature (for lack of a better term) moving and bouncing around in there. It's exciting! I'm still absolutely amazed by the whole thing. Those websites also say that, even though it's still early, it might be possible to determine the sex of the baby. Our next doctor's appointment is slated for October 23rd. I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, we'll get an ultrasound and they might be able to shed some light on that news...however we will definitely find out on our November 20th appointment, when we have the big ultrasound. Either way, as I've said before, I don't care what gender Nugg is as long as they are healthy. BUT...if I could choose the gender, I'm hoping for a boy. Me, my sister Becky, my dad and Linda's sister-in-law all have a feeling Nugg is a boy. After playing around on the internet and deciphering some of the gender predictor tests and quizzes, the majority of them state Nugg will be a girl. The anxiety of not knowing kills me though... I have a great idea on how to surprise our families with this news since it'll be right around Thanksgiving.

Yesterday, for whatever reason...and it's still early to think about this really...I started thinking about who we might choose for Nugg's godparents. Linda & I talked about that last night. Linda is Catholic...I am Presbyterian. We did get married in the Catholic church, only after jumping through many hoops. We don't attend church regularly though...although I'd like that to change once Nugg arrives. Both of us attended church when we were growing up...and I believe that is a good experience for child development. I wonder how that'll be when we get Nugg baptized though. Linda would like to have both godparents to be of the Catholic faith...and I don't think there's any way around that with the Catholic church.

This week in the womb - like I stated, Nugg would weigh about the same as an apple, approximately 2 ½ ounces and be about 4 inches long. Nugg is still inhaling amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in the lungs develop. The legs are growing longer than the arms now, and all the joints and limbs can move. Nugg's eyelids are still fused shut, however, they can now sense light. If we were to hold a flashlight up to Linda's tummy, Nugg would likely move away from the beam. Taste buds are now forming, however, there is not much for the Nugg to taste. Nugg's hair on the scalp and in the eyebrows will begin to sprout. If we have an ultrasound at our next appointment, we might be able to catch Nugg sucking their thumb!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to make a note about the god parent thing. Joe and I got married Catholic as well, even though Joe isn't Catholic. We baptised both of our kids Catholic and regularly go to church all together. The church said that at least one of the god parents had to be Catholic. So - with Gretchyn we had a friend that was Catholic, and then Joe's brother, who isn't Catholic. With Gradyn, we talked with the priest and explained that we didn't have anyone else close that was a practicing Catholic, and that we wanted it to be someone that would be there for him his entire life and support his faith. He agreed and let us have 2 of our best friends, neither one of which are Catholic. I'm sure every priest may be different, but I hope that helps! Good luck!
