Friday, October 1, 2010

Cathing up

So I know I haven't written in FOREVER. I don't have an excuse, just really couldn't think of anything to write about.

As Brian wrote in the last post, we took our first family vacation and Evan did GREAT! I would like to clarify, however, that I did NOT wear heels while walking a complete lap around the National Mall (Jefferson Memorial, FDR Memorial, Tidal Basin included). I wore my black loafers that are extremely comfortable for normal activities - like walking from my car in the parking lot to my desk. I purposely chose not to bring tennis shoes because I have yet to find a pair that I can walk miles and miles in that don't try to rub right through my achilles tendon. I've tried Nike, New Balance and some expensive pair from The Walking Company that my "foot profile" seemed to fit. My feet are apparently deformed and therefore no tennis shoes will ever be comfortable again. That's why I thought my Addidas flippy floppies would be fine. They are thick-soled and also very comfortable. Well, they wore holes into the TOP of my feet on our first day when we went from 7th and Penn. to the Capitol and then Union Station and then back through the Capitol, Longworth and over to Ford before hopping on the train back to Braddock Road and walking 1/2 a mile to our hotel.

Other random notes...
A lot of people have asked me and continue to ask me if, "it was hard going back to work after Evan was born." The simple answer is no. I can't baby talk and listen to "Red, Yellow and Blue" all day long. Not wired that way. But I will say that staying at work after going back is hard. I'm just not as focused anymore. I'm not willing to work until 7-8 pm unless there is a darn good reason. If I can't get it done within normal working hours, guess what? It's going to have to take a little bit longer than the ridiculously short timeframe initially given. I would like to see my son before he goes to bed. As it is right now, I usually get about 2 hours with him in the evening before bed time.

The Kansas City Chiefs season-opener was the first Monday Night Football game KC has hosted since 2003 or 2006. It was the grand opening of the renovated stadium AND we were playing hated division rival, the San Diego Chargers. I didn't even think about buying tickets as an option. We did, however, host some friends for a watching party since Evan went to bed well before kick-off. I said I changed. I haven't become a completely different person. :)

I am a morning person. I'm not happy and cheery about it, but I know if I am home with Evan on the weekends my prime time of opportunity for getting stuff done around the house are in those precious few hours immediately following his first bottle of the day. In the morning, I can put Evan in his exersaucer and usually have at least two hours of get-stuff-done time before he gets tired of his iguana that sings, "Red, Yellow and Bluuuueee."

Evan cut his first tooth! A little white tooth top is poking through the front of his lower jaw! He's also sitting up pretty well. He hasn't pushed himself up into a sit-up position, but once sitting up, he can stay that way for a good long while.

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