Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Whoa. That's Deep, Dude.

Last Saturday Linda & I went to see a movie. We hadn't been to the movies since last summer when we were visiting friends in DC and went to see Public Enemies. We decided to see Avatar. When we first saw the previews for Avatar, both of us claimed we had absolutely no desire to ever see that movie.

It looked retarded...what was up with those blue cartoon people, that reminded me of Jar-Jar Binks, in this Sci-Fi geeks dream world? But as I heard reviews and read my friends status updates on facebook, I became intrigued when everyone said it was a must-see, especially in 3D...and more so in IMAX 3D. I admitted to Linda last week that I kinda wanted to see it...just to see what the hype was all about. She admitted that she kinda wanted to see it too... We decided that if we were really gonna battle the movie theatre then we'd go all out and see it in IMAX we spent the $25.00 for both of us and bought tickets for the sold out 3:00 showing. Plus for the next 5-10 years our movies theatre outings will be filled with the latest Pixar or Disney kids flick... Both of us hate crowds...especially movie theatre crowds... But all in all, the movie was good. It was worth the price to see it in 3D, however the story line was cheesy and predictable...but it was visually stunning. It's not a movie that I would see in regular format or even wait to have to see it in 3D on the big screen.

Right as the movie started though, Linda said that Evan was really reacting to all the noise. You know movie theatres surround sound system really amps up the bams and booms and explosions so much so that you feel it in your teeth. It was reassuring to know that Nugg's hearing is intact! Linda tried to get me to feel his kicks and squirms...and it got me thinking. I mentioned this to Linda on the way was almost a philosophical conversation. I wondered how that must be for Evan to experience this stuff...small clues to an outside world that he doesn't know exists, and have no clue what or why it's happening. I know his little brain can't comprehend and process all of it, but is there an element of fear? Do babies in utero experience emotions such as fear, sadness, happiness, confusion, etc.? I can't imagine not knowing where I am, not being able to see what's going on, and then hear this loud boom and not be able to piece it all together... I know, weird conversation and thoughts, but sometimes that's how my brain works... I wonder about Evan...he's on my mind all the time. From deep stuff like this, to little things like how big his little pinky is... I'm an odd duck, what can I say?

1 comment:

  1. Loved Avatar, no 3D in ND.
    As to the wonderings about baby's thoughts in-utero, I had similar wonderings with all my pregnancies. You aren't an odd duck. You are Brian, my cousin. Love you Both!
