Sunday, January 17, 2010


We had another doctor's appointment on Friday. Everything seems to check out. Nugget's heart rate is strong. My belly is measuring within all the normal parameters and the blood pressure is good.

The doctor looked through my chart and said that I have gained a total of 10 pounds since the start of the pregnancy. She said at 28 weeks, this is usually the halfway point in terms of weight gain and that I should expect to gain about 10 more pounds between now and delivery. She also said that if she were going to recommend any changes, that she would encourage me to gain more weight than less.

I haven't really been too concerned about how much weight I've been gaining or not. Before pregnancy I certainly never denied myself food or worried about diets or whatever. And, considering I made Brian take me to Baskin Robbins for a hot fudge sundae on an absolutely horrible winter weather day, I think its safe to say this attitude has carried through the pregnancy. It's just now I can't stand to look at a lot of the things I loved before. Like barbecue, pasta and bacon.

We start seeing the doctor every two weeks now. The little baby up on top of the screen says that we have 77 days left. Some days that seems crazy, other days it seems like it is SO FAR AWAY. I also agree with the statement that good posture will help. Nothing helps. I can be the model of good posture but if I am sitting for more than 30 minutes, my back is going to hurt. If I stand for more than 10 minutes, my back is going to hurt. I'm sure this will only get worse as Nugget starts his big weight gain down the final stretch.

I can't imagine my stomach stretching out anymore than it already has, but I know this will happen too. When Nugget starts moving around, it's really quite weird. Sometimes he's way back towards the back and I can't really feel him when I'm poking my stomach. Then its like he is suddenly trying to break through the front of me! Sometimes I feel a little something or other that moves when I press my fingers onto it. Maybe it's a foot? Maybe it's a knee or elbow? Who knows? Nugget still seems shy around Brian and seems to stop kicking when he puts his hands on me. I told Brian that in a few months, he won't be able to hide from him anymore.

We're going to go check out the Sherlock Holmes movie today. I wonder if he will kick and move around with the sound system base like he did during Avatar? That was one of the most active and strongest movements he's had. This was replicated last night with some Opera. We heard classical music can help his development, so Brian put together a playlist on the iPod and I put the big headphones on my tummy when I'm watching TV and turn it up loud. I wonder if he moves so much because he likes it, or the strange new sounds are scaring him? I hope its the former...

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