Friday, January 8, 2010

Not really myself

Maybe its the hormones. Maybe its the fact that soon I will be responsible for raising a small child. Maybe its working 12 hours every day this week and knowing I'll be working a good portion of the day on either Saturday or Sunday, or perhaps both. I'm definitely not myself.

I attribute the work issues to increased irritability and my current inability to be mad without crying - which is ESPECIALLY FRUSTRATING. I'm tired of people coming to me with just problems and no one offering up solutions. This is at work and outside of work. If you don't have a solution and this isn't mission critical, I don't either.

This is different from how I am usually. Before, I was the problem solver. Now, I'm about ready to throw my hands up in the air and say, "Then I guess that's just too bad."

Other changes are also evident.

Bacon and Barbecue: Pre-pregnancy, these were two of my favorite food groups. Now, I have no desire to even look at it. I'm in Kansas City and live near some of the best barbecue restaurants in the world. This is a problem.

Italian isn't really doing it for me either. I think the garlic gives me bad heart burn.

On a positive note, I am starting to celebrate small victories I use to take for granted. Examples include:
  • Pooping
  • Putting on socks
  • Buttoning my coat all the way
  • Pants that stay up without having to be adjusted all the time
  • Sleeping all the way through the night
  • Sitting without back pain


  1. wait 'til you can spoon your husband or even hug him again!

  2. I think that those are tremendous victories! I consider it a very good day when I hit about half of that list :)
