Monday, December 14, 2009

Will we be THOSE parents?

You know, the ones that live for embarrassing the hell out of their kids? I don't think so, but Brian and I sure had a good laugh about it the other night. We were driving home from dinner when Prince's "Kiss" came on the radio. Now, just like everyone else our age, we totally jammed out in the falsetto and did the complete freak out/scream at the end. It's very fun... and kind of a stress reliever.

Then, we imagined driving Nugget to his first high school dance. Like Homecoming his freshman year. We imagined him being so embarrassed as we pick up his date and start jamming out to Prince 16 years from now. Of course, then Prince will be considered an "Oldie." Could you imagine the horror for the poor kid? Imagine me driving along and then shrieking "You don't have to be rich to be my girl you don't have to be coo-ool to rule my world..." with Nugget and his girlfriend in the back seat?

It's the stuff movies about teenage angst are made of. With this in mind, please see the top five list below. We'll need to refer back to it someday to see how well I keep to it.

Top five things I vow NOT to do that would likely embarrass Nugget when he is a teenager:

5. The aforementioned jamming out to "Oldies" with Nugget and any of his friends or girlfriends in the car. If Nugget is in the car by himself, all bets are off.

4. Lick my thumb and then use it to wipe his face

3. Bring out photo albums on the first date. I'll wait until he's in a more serious relationship.

2. Walk around the house in my robe or pajamas when his friends are at the house. This rule applies to company in general. And even though I have never gone around with curlers in my hair, I vow not to do that either.

1. I promise I will not dance or attempt to dance when anyone Nugget may know or go to school with could possibly see. I am the WORST dancer in the world. Ask my husband. My attempts at dancing are really just desperate attempts at humor. It would likely cause permanent damage if I attempted to "Bust a Move" when any of his friends or potential enemies are nearby.

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