Friday, September 3, 2010

Look How Far We've Come

I was thinking the other day about this time last year. This past year has just flown by, yet it's dragged by at the same time if that makes any sense whatsoever? This time last year, we were in the middle of the 9th week of pregnancy. So crazy to read back on some of these old posts. This time last year he was about the size of a grape. Just a grape. He now probably pushing close to 18 lbs, and is already wearing 12 months clothing...mostly his PJ's because he's so stinkin' long! I often ponder what our life will be like and what he'll be like this time next year. Hard to imagine... On a side note, in a previous post about the baby-wave we're included in currently...Linda's sister (and Evan's Godparents), Noreen, and her husband Anthony (who were amongst my 'name withheld list') are expecting their first baby on April 1st, 2011! So Evan will get yet another cousin around his birthday!

Evan is really, really working on crawling, each time I put him down on his back in his play gym, he always flips over to his belly (he also does this when we put his down in his crib)...and STANDING! As I mentioned before, the boy loves to stretch his legs out and he bears weight on them. He needs to gain some more strength and balance, but in all he's getting there. Now if we could only get those 'toophies' in, we'd be set. I don't wish any part of raising Evan to go quickly, but I'll be happy when this teething phase is past us. Another one of those
things is the spit-up. The boy is like a geyser. He's soaked me down to my underwear before. I've come to the conclusion that instead of having to change shirts several times during the day, I just go around shirtless when I'm home with him. Lots of pictures I take with him, I'm sans shirt...and this is not because I'm egotistical and think I have an awesome me I don't...I've got some man boobs and an ever-growing spare tire and back fat developing here...but it's because of all the spit up. It's easier to just clean it off my skin that to pile up laundry and run out of shirts halfway through the week. A friend of mine suggested to switch formulas to Enfamil
AR. I did on a whim since I went to Costco the other day to get more formula for him, but since Costco only takes American Express and no other credit cards, and Linda & I have recently changed banks and got new check cards (of which I didn't know my PIN) I ventured over to Walmart and decided to try this out. Today will be Evan's third day on this Enfamil, and so far so good. He'll still spit up, but not to the large quantities that he has before. Linda's not sold on it, yet though.

Evan has been harder and harder to keep entertained. We go through our usual routines, and the more he discovers the world around him, the more he wants to be a part of it. In the past two months we've bought a doorway jumper and an exersaucer (the jury is still out if he was really ready and if he likes these)...add this with his Bumbo that I bought a while back and his play gym, swing, and numerous books, you'd think he'd be set for a fun-filled day. But he gets bored easily. So we go from one thing to another til I find something that will keep him entertained for a few minutes longer. I know it's probably not good parenting skills, but he's fascinated by the TV...especially if I put on "Yo Gabba Gabba!". Check out this video of him discovering Beyonce:

Truman is also a source of amusement for Evan too:

Now we've got Evan's 6 months old picture shoot coming up next month...I got the photographer booked the other day... I'm wondering how much he'll change between now and then. I can't wait for these!

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