Thursday, January 14, 2010


Yesterday, my back started hurting about mid-afternoon. It does that when I've been sitting for really long periods of time, or standing for moderate to long periods of time. So, I got up and did a few laps around the floor. This didn't help. I tried stretching in my cube. No relief. So, I decided that at 5 pm Central time I was going to go home. I could have stayed at worked a solid two more hours on my projects but just couldn't focus. As stated in my previous post, it has been pretty busy at work lately. I wouldn't say its stressful, just busy and a lot needs to get done. In the PR/Media Relations world, there is a big difference between having a lot to get done and stressful situations. I've been fortunate to work for a company where we don't have too many PR stressful situations.

Anyway, I called Brian, who had the day off, to let him know I was on my way home. We talked about what to have for dinner and agreed upon the TGIF Fajita dinner that was in the fridge. They are delicious and perfect size for two people. When I got home, dinner was made and ready to eat.

We ate dinner together and then decided against watching American Idol and to watch a National Geographic documentary he rented from Netflix called "In the Womb." The movie covered the entire nine months of pregnancy, showing how the baby developed from conception through delivery. It was neat to see the images, both real and computer generated, and get an even better account of what's happening in there.

Even better, before the movie started, Brian reached up into the pantry and pulled out two Betty Crocker Warm Delights! I had the chocolate fudge brownie. YUM!

Dinner, warm dessert, and an interesting movie with Brian to end the day. What could be better? Oh, Truman and Frankie were snuggling up with us, too!

Extra Bonus:
Sometime over the weekend I figured out the perfect position to lay in on top of my pillow fort. So now, instead of tossing and turning, I sleep through the night! Hooray!

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