Wednesday, June 16, 2010

That Was Rough

Today was Evan's 2-month checkup with his pediatrician. I've dreaded this day since he was born. This is the big appointment when they start the first round of vaccinations. Two days ago was Linda's first day back to work since March 31, when she began her maternity I had to go it alone.

I got Evan up this morning and he was his happy-go-lucky self that he is in the morning. He was laying in his crib, awake and just kicking around. He looked up at me and I smiled to him a "Good Morning Little Man!" He sheepishly looked back at me and smiled. We played a game of "oohh's & ahh's" and got a new diaper on him. We went into the living room and I got 6 ounces in him... Truman was sitting at the other side of the couch, closely watching us...and trying to inch ever so close to sneak in a kiss on Evan. Evan got a kick outta this and watched Truman very intently and would laugh and giggle at him. Little did he know what was coming in just an hour...and that thought broke my heart.

I arrived at our pediatrician's office with Evan in his car seat hooked on one arm, and a diaper bag slung over the other, my sunglasses hanging onto my t-shirt collar. The office staff checked me in and told me to have a seat. I joined about 4 other moms in the waiting room...and I could tell most of them were expecting Linda to come around the corner. Nope, just me. As much as I wanted Linda to be was just me. Dunno why it's unusual to see just a father with his infant at things like doctors appointments? I've noticed it a lot since Evan was born...even if I just take him to PetsMart or the grocery store by myself.

They called us back and we marched behind the nurse to the room. She told me to undress Evan so she could get his measurements. I was eager to see what he weighed now. He hasn't been to the doctor since he was about 2 weeks old...and that was eight weeks ago! I stripped him down, wrapped him in the blue pee-pad blanket, and carried him to the scale. When he was 2 weeks old he weighed 9 lbs. 2 he weighed 13 lbs. 10 oz.! Back in April, he measured 21¼ inches long, now he is 23½ inches! His huge head went from 15 to 17 inches! Evan then promptly peed on the blue pee-pad blanket in my rejoicing and we had to change him out...

We went back to the room...our doctor came in. Told me that he was very pleased with Evan's progress both growth and socially. He checked him over...answered a few of my questions...said that Evan was a very healthy, happy and social boy. He said he was making eye contact and flashing smiles. He also explained that Evan is gonna be a big boy with growth like this...especially with Linda & me as parents. I'm average for a guy, 5'10"...and Linda is taller than average. Plus his Poppa Gene (Linda's dad) is 6'3"...and his Uncle John (Linda's brother) is just as tall. Evan is in the 75th percentile for growth. Our doctor went on to say that if Evan were to continue to grow at this rate, we'd have a 290 lbs., 6 foot 8 inch tall, three-year-old who demands M&Ms! Can you imagine trying to potty-train that?! He then explained the shots he was about to receive. My heart jumped. I've never been anxious about shots...never really put much thought in it. Now, though, that I've got this little life to look after and protect...I didn't want my little guy to be in pain.

Our doctor left the room and the nurse came in shortly after with her tray of torture. She first gave Evan an oral vaccine...and then told me to lay him down on the cot. She then prepped him for the shots. I held onto his little hand. He looked up at me with his huge puppy-dog-brown eyes. She stuck him with one needle...and I could tell the precise moment when that needle penetrated his chunky thigh. He winced, then turned Coke-can red, then screamed and cried real tears (he normally doesn't)! I'm not a softy by any means, but I'm not a robot either...and it was every thing I could do not to cry for him. I did tear up...and I had a moment there were I couldn't speak to reassure him...afraid that my voice would obvious sign that I was choked up. I quickly regained my composure and tried to comfort Evan. I will never forget that look he gave me. Two more shots and more screams and tears...and all was done. Amazingly I got Evan diffused in no time...and by the time I was getting him dressed the tears had stopped. By the time I got him in his car seat, he was smiling and cooing!

Lots of my friends who have kids told me going in that it's much worse on the parents that it is on the baby. All too true!

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