Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This Past Month

Geez, it's been over a month since either one of us blogged. It really is tough to get a post typed out without interruption when we are chasing around a very active 11 month old boy. But here's a quick update since Evan is still sleeping. (Daylight Savings has thrown him off kilter with his sleeping schedule...)

We have a walker now! Evan took his first steps the day after Valentine's Day. I'm so glad that Linda was home to see him take his first steps. I worried about that since I'm the one home with him most of the time and Linda has been working some crazy long hours at work. I think Evan was saving this momentous occasion for when both of us were home. But yeah, he took his first steps from the coffee table to the couch in that little drunk man fashion. Since then he's been getting really great at this whole walking business and steadying his balance. Pretty soon he's gonna be running, I'm sure!

I would love to brag that his eating is getting better...but it's not. We've tried to introduce him to self-feeding, but it's more of a novelty to him. He does great with snacking on the Gerber Graduates Lil Crunchies, or very small pieces of fruit... But when it comes to meal time and getting what he needs for nutrition...he'd rather throw it on the floor and watch Truman or Frank rush to gobble it up. I'm so nervous though when he does eat regular food...afraid he's gonna choke. I hover over him like a hawk, ready to yank him out and perform the Heimlich...although I've never taken a course on how to properly perform that maneuver. Evan's pediatrician gave me a crash course on how to administer that though...

We are in the process of planning Evan's first birthday party. Hard to believe it's a few short weeks away. We are gonna go with a Dr. Seuss themed party. Can't wait, but I had no idea planning this would be so much work! Also have his 1st birthday photography session scheduled too!

That's about it in a nutshell. It's just difficult to get these plunked out when we are chasing him around the house. He's into everything. Wants to play with everything he's not supposed to... By the time I get a quiet moment when he's napping or down for the night, my brain is too fried to put together a coherent sentence. I will try to do better!

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